Operating or closed.
Including their individual histories, locations, technical details, official contact points, and local activist groups.
There are over 100 operating nuclear power plants in America and 16 non-operational power plants, and a large number of nuclear fuel and weapons facilities. The more you know about these places, the more frightened you’ll be -- and should be!
How can we protect our nuclear power plants?
Don’t count on the plant security forces -- they aren’t nearly strong enough. These plants are each vulnerable to air strikes, truck bombs, boat bombs, and of course, the well-equipped and well-armed single madman or small group of terrorists. All anyone needs to do is toss a grenade into a Spent Fuel Pool and hundreds of thousands or even MILLIONS could die.
(That is exactly what they did to Fort St. Vrain in Colorado.) The energy price per kilowatt is much lower than for nuclear or any other energy source. And there’s no “decommissioning” of wind turbines, either.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is a lap-dog agency which does little to protect the public and much to inhibit the replacement of nuclear technology with other, safer energy sources. They will not protect you. In fact, RIGHT NOW they are relicensing many of these reactors for another 20 years each of dangerous operation.
It’s time for a change, America!
This country needs to wise up to the lie that we’ll “freeze in the dark” if we turn off the nukes. There are clean energy solutions which we must adopt.
Sources for this list include the webmaster’s store of NRC files which were downloaded before the NRC revised their web site; NUREG 1437, which the NRC has since reposted; DOE’s 1999 Yucca Mountain Draft Environmental Impact Statement; NO NUKES, by Anna Gyorgy and Friends, 1979, South End Press; The Electric War by Sheldon Novick, Sierra Club Books, 1976; and many other sources including hundreds of articles, company web sites, industry web sites, activist web sites, etc.. Please send suggestions or updated information to: Russell Hoffman, webmaster: rhoffman@animatedsoftware.com
Please visit our Internet Glossary of Nuclear Terminology:
For a giant list of about 200 nuclear-related books, videos, and pamphlets collected by the webmaster of this site:
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A note on Naval Reactors (written by John P. Shannon, November, 2001):
KAPL [Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory] presently has no land based power plants in operation. The last two were shut down as a result of my TV appearance a few weeks ago.
The two available to be restarted, when no one is watching, are located in West Milton, NY, about 25 miles north of Albany, which is the capital of NY, and ten miles west of NY's premier tourist attraction during June, July and August. During this time ten's of thousands of visitors are in town, many of them millionaires.
Naval Nuclear Power Plants are, however, located at Pearl Harbor, HI, Norfolk, VA, Puget Sound, Washington State, Charleston, SC and San Diego, CA.
Many are located at Sea at all times.
I have always thought that sabotage at one of the big Navy Bases would be a disaster, however, the Navy has always considered sabotage to be a non credible scenario and has never taken plans to protect against such an act. We had many arguments on this subject many times at KAPL and most of us [Engineers] were in favor of planning for Sabotage.
The morons who really run the show the so called "...decision makers..." would never pay for the extra engineering effort to protect against the possibility of sabotage at any Naval Reactor Facility, including shipyards.
John P. Shannon, U. S. Marine Corps Major, Former Nuclear Physicist/Nuclear Engineer, Former Supervising Nuclear Physicist/Engineer and Former Manager of Nuclear Safety, Industrial Safety/Industrial Hygiene at Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory.
In the chart below:
AEC = Atomic Energy Commission (The AEC was split into the DOE and the NRC in 1974)
CRAC-2 = 1982 government estimates of “worst case” deaths for various reactors. These are highly dated underestimations which nevertheless are still interesting. Updating of the CRAC-2 analysis is not required for plant relicensing, even though the most vulnerable elements at the sites the spent fuel pools and dry storage casks are not included in the CRAC-2 assessment (because they were not expected to be there). For more information about CRAC-2 including a breakdown of the casualty figures, “scaling” notes, and how to order a copy of the full CRAC-2 report, please visit: http://www.mothersalert.org/crac.html . From there you’ll find lots of other radiation web sites.
Type: PWR = Pressurized Water Reactor (All PWRs use steam generators to produce the steam that drives the plant’s turbines. Primary water flows through 4,000 15,000 tubes, depending on design. These tubes are subject to degradation from corrosion, cracking, fatigue, and wear (Source: ORNL 1999 NPP Analysis, Appendix E-3). Ice-Condenser type PWR plants have smaller and weaker containments than most other reactor types.)
Type: BWR = Boiling Water Reactor (Mark 1: GE single-cycle forced-circulation boiling water reactor)
Mfg: AC = Allis-Chalmers
Mfg: W = Westinghouse
Mfg: GE = General Electric
Mfg: B&W = Babcock & Wilcox
Mfg: CE = Combustion Engineering
Mfg: OPS = Offshore Power Systems (Westinghouse-Tenneco)
ISFSI = Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation. (Also known as Dry Cask Storage, it is extremely dangerous and should not be allowed. The DOE projects that by 2010 82 nuclear plants at 52 sites will have to add approx. 10,000 MTU of Dry Cask Storage. (Source: ORNL 1999 NPP Analysis, Appendix E-3))
Ultimate Heat Sink = Technical term for where the radioactive waste will seep for thousands of years if there’s a meltdown. (The real “ultimate heat sink” and ultimate disposal location for all reactor waste is our biosphere and our bodies.)
Location | Plant Name | Net Mw / TYPE / MFG | Amount of High-Level Radioactive Waste onsite | on-line | Current Status | CRAC-2 est. casualties and costs (Note: CRAC-2 values are U.S. Government 1982 figures.) | Comments |
Current Licensee | NRC docket # | Ultimate Heat Sink | |||||
Normal circulation flow rate | |||||||
Connecticut: | (The Webmaster was born and raised in Connecticut) | ||||||
Haddam Neck Pt. (nearest major city: Meridian, CT; 21 miles SSE of Hartford, CT; 25 miles NE of New Haven, CT) | Haddam Neck Plant ("CT Yankee") | 590 Mw PWR / W 4-loop | All 1,019 used fuel assemblies are in a spent fuel pool located on the plant site over 390 tons. | Commercial operation began Jan. 1st, 1968 | CLOSED December, 1996 (ten years early) | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 102,000 Property Damage: $74.1 Billion | "DECON PREP" Bruce D. Kenyon, Chairman of the Board. Also President, Generation Group, oversees nuclear operations. 5 years in the U. S. Navy Nuclear Power School, Submarine School, U.S.S. Washington, D1G prototype. (Source: Company web site.) 1996: Labor Day Weekend: unknowingly displaced water from reactor vessel with nitrogen. “A close call!” November: contaminated two workers in fuel transfer area. Mid-1980s: Seal rupture in fuel transfer canal. If fuel had been in the canal the consequences would have been disastrous. Lifetime: High worker exposure rate, very poor radiological controls. (Sources: Nukebusters CT Yankee web page.) |
CT Yankee Atomic Power Company (NSTAR is a part owner in Pilgrim, CT Yankee & three other plants. ) | Connecticut River | ||||||
Niantic Bay, Waterford (nearest major city: New Haven, CT; 3 miles WSW of New London, CT) | Millstone Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 | 652 Mw BWR / GE | 1055 tons stored at the site (as of 1995) Two 12-foot-long spent fuel rods are missing from Unit 1's spent fuel pool Jan., 2001 - Company plans to increase Unit 3's spent fuel pool capacity from 756 fuel assemblies to 1860 by closer packing | 1970 | CLOSED July, 1998 | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 54,000 Property Damage: $92 Billion | "DECON PREP" Contact: Nancy Burton, 203-938-3952 http://www.mothballmillstone.org/ Also, contact: Citizens Awareness Network (CAN), 54 Old Turnpike Road, Haddam, CT 06438, 860-345-8431 ctcan@snet.net Also, contact: Susan Perry-Luxton, Citizens Regulatory Commission, 180 Great Neck Road, Waterford, CT 06385 Also, contact: Mitzi Bowman, Don't Waste Connecticut, 97 Longhill Terrace, New Haven, CT 06515 (203) 389-206. |
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. (Former owner: Northeast Nuclear Energy Co.) (decommissioning managed by Entergy Nuclear, Inc.) | Long Island Sound | ||||||
Millstone Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 | 830910 Mw PWR / CE | 1975 | Making waste | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 69,000 Property Damage: $135 Billion | See Unit 1 for contact information. Sept. 1999: Two NU subsidiaries pled guilty to 25 violations of environmental and nuclear laws and agree to pay $10 million in "fines and contributions". The charges concerned nuclear training and environmental issues at Millstone Station and environmental issues at their Devon Station in the mid-'90s. (Source: DNC Inc.'s web site.) 1999-2000: Repeated shutdowns dues to failures of the reactor control-rod drive system, including control rods that came loose and dropped into the reactor. The plant operator blamed failed insulation and damaged electrical leads. (Source: OC Register) 1997: Millstone 1,2 &3: 0% Capacity factors. (Source: ORNL 1999 NPP Analysis, Appendix E-3) Aug. 5th, 1993: Leak causes shutdown at Millstone; Aug. 16th, 1991: Eight control rods show delays in emergency shutdown insertion time at Millstone; Apr. 3rd, 1988: Leakage at Millstone (Sources: Greenpeace; Units unknown) For a list of problems, visit Nukebuster’s web site for Millstone. | ||
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. (Former owner: Northeast Nuclear Energy Co.) | Long Island Sound | ||||||
Millstone Nuclear Power Station Unit 3 | 11501253 Mw PWR / W | 1986 | Making waste | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 91,000 Property Damage: $174 Billion | |||
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. (93.47%), MA Municipal Wholesale Electric Co., Central Vermont Public Service Co. (Former owner: Northeast Nuclear Energy Co.) | Long Island Sound | ||||||
Maine: | |||||||
Wiscasset (4 miles S of Wiscasset, ME) | Maine Yankee Atomic Yankee Power Plant | 860-885 Mw / 2,440 Mwt PWR/CE | 500 tons according to DOE (1995). Includes at least "66 failed fuel assemblies and +/- 200 damaged fuel assemblies" (and other debris) in the spent fuel pool. (May be as much as 900 tons.) Plans to use ISFSI. | Dec. 1972 | CLOSED Dec. 1996 (no buyer could be found -- upkeep too expensive) | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 39,000 Property Damage: $79 Billion | "DECON PREP" Contact Raymond Shadis: http://www.necnp.org/ Also, contact: The Davistown Museum, Box 144, Hulls Cove, ME 04664: http://home.acadia.net/cbm/Rad9.html Also, contact: Friends of the Coast, POB 76, Edgecomb, ME 04556 207-882-7801 Dec. 12th, 1996: Radioactive leak at the Maine Yankee; Aug. 18th, 1996: Officials shutdown the Maine Yankee after discovering that 15 feet of wire was missing from a circuit used to automatically activate a pump in the emergency core-cooling system (Source: Greenpeace.) Dec., 1996: Electrical power cable separation issues along with numerous design and operational safety issues result in unit being taken offline. 1995-1996: Extended outage due to an estimated 60% of the unit’s 17,000 steam generator tubes showing defects and cracking. (Source: Nukebusters) |
Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company (decommissioning managed by Entergy Nuclear, Inc) (NSTAR is a part owner in Pilgrim, ME Yankee, & three other plants. ) | Back River | ||||||
Massachusetts: | |||||||
Rowe (nearest major city: Pittsfield, MA; 20 miles NW of Greenfield, MA; 21 miles NE of Pittsfield, MA) | Yankee Nuclear Power Station | 185 Mw PWR/W | 139 tons. Plans to use ISFSI. 140,000 curies of radiation in plant components were sent to Barnwell, SC and elsewhere for dumping, smelting, and compaction. (Source: Nukebusters) | July 1961 (First large-scale reactor in the U.S.) | CLOSED Sept. 1991 (Rowe was closed prematurely due to embrittlement of the reactor pressure vessel. (Source: Union of Concerned Scientists.) | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 5,100 Property Damage: $21 Billion | "DECON" 600MWt Contact: Citizens Awareness Network, Box 83, Shelburne Falls, MA 01370, 413-339-5781 can@shaysnet.com For more information about this plant, including information about on-going epidemics in the Deerfield River Valley, visit the nukebusters’ web page on Yankee Rowe. In addition to the embrittled reactor vessel, stress corrosion cracking was found in the steam generators at the time the reactor was closed. (Source: Nukebusters.) |
Yankee Atomic Power Company | Deerfield River (feeds into the CT River in Greenfield, MA) | ||||||
Plymouth (40 miles S of Boston; 15 miles N of Cape Cod, ; 4 miles SE of Plymouth, MA; near Brockton, MA) | Pilgrim Station: Unit 1 | 655 Mw BWR/GE Type: Mark I (a "sister plant" to FitzPatrick and VT Yankee.) | 358 tons as of 1995. 2,714 fuel assemblies are in the spent fuel pool as of 1999. | First commercial power: Dec. 9th, 1972 | Making waste | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 56,000 Property Damage: $82 Billion | Contact: Mary Lampert, Massachusetts Citizens for Safe Energy, Duxbury, MA, and: Citizens Awareness Network / Nuclear Free New England for information about elevated cancer rates around Pilgrim and other related information. First successful sale of a nuke -- $81 Million, 1999. ("Boston Edison will fully fund the decommissioning trust with $471 million"). (Source: Entergy web site.) 1987-1990: Shut down for extensive repairs costing $500 million. (Source: Nuclear Free New England web site.) Dec. 30th, 1988: Reactor shutdown due to failure of control equipment. (Source: Greenpeace. Note possible conflict with 1987-1990 citation, which might mean repeated shutdowns occurred.) June 3-11, 1982: Exceptionally high releases of radioactive Cs-137 and other substances, a recurrent problem along with bad fuel, cracked cladding, poor management, mechanical problems, inadequate filtration and monitoring. (Source: Nuclear Free New England web site.) Two additional Pilgrim Units were originally ordered |
Entergy Nuclear, Inc (NSTAR is a part owner in Pilgrim, Seabrook, ME Yankee, CT Yankee & VT Yankee. Orig. owner: Boston Edison Company) | Cape Cod Bay | ||||||
New Hampshire: | |||||||
Seabrook (nearest major city: Lawrence, MA; 13 miles S of Portsmouth, NH) | Seabrook Nuclear Station: Unit 1 | 1,200 Mw PWR/W | 146 tons as of 1995. | 1990 | Making waste | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 40,000 Property Damage: $163 Billion | Owners: North Atlantic Energy Corp. (35.98%), United Illuminating, BayCorp Holdings Ltd., MA Municipal Wholesale Electric Co., New England Power Corp., CT Light & Power, Canal Electric Co., NH Electric Coop., Inc., Hudson Light & Power Dept., Taunton Municipal Light Plant At least one additional Seabrook unit was planned. |
Public Service Co. of New Hampshire (NSTAR is a part owner in Pilgrim, Seabrook, & three other plants.) | Atlantic Ocean | ||||||
Vermont: | |||||||
Vernon (nearest major city: Holyoke, MA; 5 miles S of Brattleboro, VT) | Vermont Yankee Generating Station | 540 Mw BWR/GE Type: Mark I (a "sister plant" to FitzPatrick and Pilgrim Plants.) | 425 tons as of 1995. Released over 300,000 curies into the atmosphere since start up. (Source: Nukebusters) | 1972 | Making waste | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 27,000 Property Damage: $69 Billion | Contacts: VT Citizens Awareness Network, PO Box 920, Putney, VT 05346 Phone: 802-387-4050, 413-339-5781 can@shaysnet.com www.nukebusters.org New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution, PO Box 545, Brattleboro, VT 05302 necnp@necnp.org Reactor animation: http://www.vermontyankee.com/exploreNuclear.shtml "Vermont Yankee replaced all of the plant's reactor water recirculation piping in 1985 with piping of improved materials to prevent corrosion." The backup power supply system was replaced in 1990, and control room instrumentation was upgraded to digital." VT Yankee Chairman is Robert Young. (Source: VT Yankee web site.) The CEO is Ross Barkhurst. NSTAR is a part owner in Pilgrim, Seabrook, ME Yankee, CT Yankee & VT Yankee. Recent: Suffers from corrosion cracking. 1998: Anti-terrorism tests breach security repeatedly. 1996: Core shroud fixed with tie rods. 1980s: Shut for two years. (Sources: Nukebusters.) |
Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. (13 companies co-own the plant: Central VT Public Service Corp. (31.3%), New England Power Co. (20.0%), Green Mountain Power Co. (17.9%), CT Light & Power Corp. (9.5%). Also: Central ME Power Co., Public Service Co. of NH, Burlington Elec. Dept., Montaup Electric Co., Cambridge Elec. Light Co., Western MA Elec. Co., VT Elec. Coop., Inc. 1.0% Washington Elec. Cooperative, Inc. 0.6% Lyndonville Elec. Dept.) | Connecticut River | ||||||
New York: | |||||||
Buchanan, Westchester County (nearest major city: White Plains, NY. New York City, the greatest city in the world, is just 24 miles S of Indian Point.) | Indian Point Station: Unit 1 | 265 Mw PWR/ B&W | 746 tons as of 1995. | Construction permit: 1955 Operating License: 1962 Commercial Operation: Jan. 1963(?) | CLOSED Oct. 1974 (prematurely closed due to lack of an ECCS (Emergency Core Cooling System) | | "SAFSTOR" 615 MWt See Unit 2 for contact information Mar. 8th, 1972: Radioactive water has to be pumped out of the Indian Point (source: Greenpeace) Built on an active earthquake fault. Ran for 12 years on a “provisional” license. Site failed 5 of 6 1979 NRC rules, however this previous license grandfathered in the next two plants at the site! (Source: Nukebusters Indian Point web site.) |
Consolidated Edison Co. of NY, Inc. | Hudson River | ||||||
Indian Point Station: Unit 2 | PWR/W | Construction permit: 1966 Operating License: 1971 Commercial Operation: 1973 | Making waste | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 200,000 Property Damage: $274 Billion | Visit CLOSE INDIAN POINT NOW: http://www.closeindianpoint.org/ Also visit Riverkeeper: http://www.riverkeeper.org Also contact: Marilyn Elie, Indian Point Project, 2-A Adrian Court, Cortland Manor, NY 10560. Also, contact Assemblyman Richard L. Brodsky who wants to see IP closed. IP2 and IP3 share the same design but “on paper”, IP3 is more than 25% more likely to experience an accident than IP2. (Source: Union of Concerned Scientists, Nuclear Plant Risk Study, 2000) Dec. 03, 2001: - A majority of Unit 2 control room operators (4 out of 7 crews; 10 individual operators) were unable to properly solve simulated emergencies that, had they been real, would have resulted in reactor damage or the release of radiation into the atmosphere. (Source: TheJournalNews.com ) Feb., 2000: Steam generator tube ruptures at Unit 2, contaminating 19,000 gallons of cooling water and releasing radioactive steam into the atmosphere. (Source: OC Register) Plant stays closed for 1 year. (Source: NY Times, Dec. 8th, 2001.) Nov. 1993: Two original safety valves at IP3 found to be insufficiently rated; in the rush to replace them before an upcoming NRC inspection, engineers install them backwards, blocking both cooling systems and disabling backup generators. (Source: Nukebusters.) 1981 Automatic shutdown after electrical failure at IP (source: Greenpeace; Unit unknown.) Jul., 1977: Transformer explosion triggers major blackout & scattered fleeing. (Source: Nukeubusters. Unit unknown.) Aug., 1972: Defective fuel system at IP2 replaced at cost of $10 million (Source: Nukeubusters.) For many more incidents: http://www.closeindianpoint.org/history.htm or: http://www.nukebusters.org/html/indian_point.html Evacuation Zone /KI Zone should be at least 50 miles! | ||
Consolidated Edison Co. of NY, Inc. | Hudson River | ||||||
Indian Point Station: Unit 3 | 965 Mw PWR/W | Construction permit: 1969 Operating License: 1975 Commercial Operation: 1976 | Making waste | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 221,000 Property Damage: $314 Billion | |||
Entergy Nuclear, Inc. (Purchased from the New York Power Authority Nov. 21st, 2000.) | Hudson River | ||||||
Scriba (nearest major city: Syracuse, NY; 6 miles NE of Oswego, NY) | Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station: Unit 1 | 610 Mw BWR/GE Type: Mark I | 972 tons as of 1995 (includes Fitzpatrick’s waste); planning to use ISFSI. | Dec. 1st, 1969 | Making waste | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 25,800 Property Damage: $66 Billion | Contacts: New York CAN, Tim Judson, 162 Cambridge St., Syracuse, NY 13210, (315) 422-4924. Also: Syracuse Anti-Nuclear Effort, Simon Morrin, (315) 422-4219. Also: Syracuse Peace Council, 924 Burnet Ave., Syracuse, NY 13203, (315) 472-5478 Late 1990s: Cracking in the reactor's internals has made NM1 "the worst case of cracking in the nuclear industry" (Union of Concerned Scientists). Most attention has focused on the core shroud, but other cracked pieces (emergency condensers, main drain line, control rod stub tubes) suggest the problem is pervasive. 1979 - 1996: Systemic mismanagement at NM1 result in ~200 cited violations or nearly 1/month. 1987 1989: NRC shuts NM1 for over 2 years after NiMo revealed they had covered up huge waste-handling problems at NM1. For years, the waste building was flooded with 40,000 gallons of primary coolant water; three months prior to that announcement, NM1 dumped 50,000 gallons of coolant directly from the reactor into Lake Ontario. (Sources: Nukebusters Nine Mile Point web site.) A 15-year construction time and $6.4 billion cost made NM2 the most expensive reactor in the world; some groups estimated the cost at around $8 billion. Faulty construction work continues to plague the plant. 1991: Electrical system failure in the control room nearly causes a meltdown. April 1999: A virtually identical event causes a dangerously low coolant level, and the reactor core isolation cooling system (RCIC) malfunctioned. The RCIC was been declared inoperable on at least three other occasions, including during another emergency shutdown (low water coolant level) on the day the AmerGen deal was announced. After only 10 years of operation, large cracks were found in NM2's core shroud. (Sources: Nukebusters Nine Mile Point web site.) |
Constellation Nuclear (formerly owned by Niagara Mohawk Power Corp., New York State Electric & Gas, Rochester Gas and Electric, and Central Hudson Gas & Electric were all part-owners in Nine Mile Point Unit Two until Dec., 2000 when it was sold to Constellation Nuclear.) | Lake Ontario | ||||||
Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station: Unit 2 | 1,080 Mw BWR/GE Type: Mark 2 | Mar. 11th, 1988 | Making waste | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 47,400 Property Damage: $134 Billion | |||
See Unit 1 for ownership information. | Lake Ontario | ||||||
Ontario, Wayne County (20 miles NE of Rochester, NY (nearest major city)) | R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant | 490 Mw PWR/W | 310 tons as of 1995. | 1969 | Making waste | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 44,000 Property Damage: $63 Billion | Longest-running reactor in the U.S. (Source: RG&E web site) |
Rochester Gas & Electric. Co. | Lake Ontario | ||||||
Brookhaven, Wading River (nearest major city: New Haven, CT) | Shoreham Nuclear Power Station | 820 Mw BWR/GE PWR? | None. | May 1989 | STOPPED 1992? | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 150,000 Property Damage: $157 Billion | "Dismantled" |
Long Island Lighting Co. | Long Island Sound | ||||||
Scriba (nearest major city: Syracuse, NY; 8 miles NE of Oswego, NY) | James A Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant | 780 Mw BWR/GE Type: Mark I (a "sister plant" to VT Yankee and Pilgrim Plants.) | Fitzpatrick’s high-level waste is stored at the Nine Mile Point reactor. | 1975 | Making waste | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 34,000 Property Damage: $103 Billion | See Nine Mile Point for contact information. Jan., 1999: Inadequate maintenance leads to a six-hour hydrogen fire on the roof of the control bldg., forcing a plant shutdown (Source: OC Register) |
Entergy Nuclear, Inc (Originally owned by: Niagara Mohawk Power Corp., then by New York Power Authority.) | Lake Ontario | ||||||
West Milton (25 miles N of Albany) | Knoll's Atomic Power Lab / Kesselring Site Operation (KSO) Unit 1 | S3G (advanced sub reactor) | DOE plans to emplace approximately 300 “canisters” of naval spent nuclear fuel at Yucca Mountain. Each canister will contain about 12 to 15 tons of spent nuclear fuel. (Source: Draft EIS for Yucca Mtn., July 1999, page A-29.) | 1958 | CLOSED | | See Jack Shannon's KAPL web site: http://www.mindspring.com/~kapl/index.html These are destroyer, carrier, and sub prototype reactors including Trident sub reactor prototypes. One reactor, known as the Sea Wolf, was dumped off the coast of the United States in the Atlantic Ocean as a disposal method. This is utterly unconscionable. (This may have been the S1G Intermediate Sub reactor.) |
KAPL / KSO Unit 2 | D1G | CLOSED | | ||||
KAPL / KSO Unit 3 | S7G | STOPPED Nov., 2001 | | ||||
KAPL / KSO Unit 4 | S8G | STOPPED Nov., 2001 | | ||||
Maryland: | |||||||
Lusby (nearest major city: Washington, D.C., about 45 miles away; 40 miles S of Annapolis, MD) | Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant: Unit 1 | 845 Mw PWR/CE | 706 tons as of 1995; using ISFSI. Both reactors have 217 fuel assemblies with nearly 11 million fuel pellets. (Source: Company web site.) | 1974 | Making waste | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 43,600 Property Damage: $87 Billion | Calvert Cliffs Unit 1 was the first successfully relicensed nuclear power plant in America. CEG owns Baltimore Gas and Electric Co. (Source: CEG web site.) Its Dry Casks are extremely vulnerable to airplane strikes. Charlie Cruse is the Vice President - Nuclear Energy at Calvert Cliffs. Plant web site: www.calvertcliffs.com Apr., 2002: Largest tornado in Maryland history strikes within two miles of the facility. Workers take pictures; lash down picnic tables. September, 2001: Another "rare" Maryland tornado, packing 180 mph winds, came close to the plant as well. (Source: www.sunspot.net) |
Constellation Energy Group | Chesapeake Bay | ||||||
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant: Unit 2 | 845 Mw PWR/CE | 1976 | Making waste | 1982 CRAC-2 est. “Worst Case” Casualties: 43,600 Property Damage: $92 Billion | |||
Constellation Energy Group | Chesapeake Bay | ||||||
Doublas Point | Doublas Point Project Nuclear Gen. Sta. #1 | 1,178 Mw BWR/GE | 1985 | ?????? | | AE is a holding company for, among others, Potomac Electric Power Co. | |
Allegheny Electric | |||||||
Doublas Point Project Nuclear Gen. Sta. #2 | 1,178 Mw BWR/GE | 1987 | ?????? | | |||
Allegheny Electric | |||||||