Pros of Nuclear Energy

The topic of using nuclear energy for civilian use has been a matter of debate in world politics. This form of energy can be used for used for civilian needs, if proper care is taken. However, the history of use of nuclear weapons still poses a threat to modern society. Creating nuclear power in a controlled environment though, is possible for solving the current energy crisis faced by the world. It requires a responsible and efficient government to handle such energy programs. This topic is a controversial one, and has nothing to do with our main course of discussion in the article. However, having an idea about pros and cons of nuclear energy should be useful. For the time being, let us try to understand what are the advantages/pros of nuclear energy. Get more information on advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy.

Advantages of Nuclear Energy

The advantages and benefits of nuclear power are discussed in the paragraphs below. Let us first know about the pros of nuclear energy and then, about nuclear energy pros and cons in subsequent paragraphs.
  • Reduction in the CO2 emissions is one of the most important benefits of using nuclear energy. Nuclear power is a clean form of energy, and holds potential to minimize the problem of global warming (resulting from CO2 emissions) to some extent.
  • The amount of energy generated in a nuclear plant is many times greater than that produced by other, conventional means. Nuclear fission is the reaction which takes place in the production of this form of energy; it is due to this chemical reaction that a high amount of energy is generated.
  • It is not necessary to develop the technology needed for the generation of nuclear energy from scratch. This technology is readily available. Learn more about uses of nuclear energy.
  • Requirement of fuel in the production of nuclear energy is less in comparison to that of other methods. Uranium is the raw material/fuel used in the production of nuclear power. The reserves of uranium in the world would last for next 50-60 years. The demand for uranium should also influence/affect the time taken for complete depletion of the resource.
  • Use of nuclear energy is best demonstrated in space propulsion applications. A relatively less reaction mass is needed in the generation of high mission velocities by the use of nuclear reaction. Higher energy density of nuclear reactions producing this form of energy is the reason why a lesser reaction mass is required. Here are few more facts on the advantages of nuclear power.
Production of Nuclear Energy

A controlled form of nuclear reaction is used in the production of nuclear energy. The nuclear fission reaction which is used in these power plants helps in heating water to form steam. The steam in turn is used to generate electricity.

Nuclear Fusion: The reaction of nuclear fusion is considered to be much safer than nuclear fission. This is because, the nuclear waste generated from nuclear fusion should be lesser than the fission reaction. The technical difficulties have acted as hurdles in the successful implementation of nuclear fusion for energy production on a large scale. Otherwise, the method is said to have great potential. More information on what is nuclear fusion and how does nuclear power work should be helpful.

Cons of Nuclear Energy

No matter how appealing and cost-effective the use of nuclear energy seems to be, there few disadvantages of using it. It is therefore, necessary to understand both the pros and cons of nuclear energy. The nuclear waste created by the power plants emit harmful radiations, if not disposed properly. Radiations produced from these wastes do not get extinguished for thousands of years. Thus, great care is required in handling the nuclear wastes. Let us find out more about nuclear power pros and cons.

The pros and cons of nuclear energy discussed in this article should be useful in understanding the subject from various angles. Along with pros of nuclear energy, the associated dangers need to be understood and tackled properly. Great maturity and responsibility needs to be shown by governments of countries which make use of this form of energy. If nuclear energy in the form of weapons fall in wrong hands, it won't require much time for World War III to begin. Nuclear energy as a tool can be therefore, be referred to as a double-edged sword which needs to be used with utmost care.
By Shashank Nakate
Nuclear weapon
A nuclear weapon is an explosive device that derives its destructive force ...