Most recent
- 19 May 2011: International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors say mobile phones and laptops may have been hacked into by Iranians
- 18 May 2011:Mike Weightman denies being under political pressure after he said there was no need to curtail UK atomic operations138 comments
18 May 2011: Britain is safe from natural events similar to those that damaged the Fukushima plant, says report160 comments
- 17 May 2011:Japan is racing to gain control of the crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Where does the most detailed data come from? Updated daily256 comments
- 17 May 2011: Tepco sticks to timetable for 'cold shutdown', despite revelations plant suffered greater damaged than previously thought
- 13 May 2011: Plant operator Tepco reveals meltdown and breach of pressure vessel, with Greenpeace warning against pumping water in161 comments
12 May 2011:
Martin Dusinberre: Foreign media have read too much into the Japanese PM's comments – and pro-nuclear feeling runs deep at a local level109 comments- 12 May 2011:Jonathan Watts: The Fukushima nuclear disaster forces a re-think not just of the kind of energy we use, but how much23 comments
- 12 May 2011:Editorial: Tepco may apologise deeply and profusely, but the nuclear industry has lost the stranglehold it once had over the energy debate28 comments
- 11 May 2011:Damian Carrington: The world's third and fourth biggest economies have abandoned plans for new reactors, believing renewables and efficiency can fill the gap195 comments
- 11 May 2011:Prime minister Naoto Kan says renewables will become a key part of energy policy as country marks two months since tsunami
10 May 2011: The prime minister says Japan must 'start from scratch' and abandon its plan to obtain half its energy from atomic power56 comments
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