The first nuclear power plant in Iran will start it's functioning soon and the deputy head of the nuclear department of Iran Beheads Soltani said that, the Bushehr nuclear plant in the southern part of Iran will commence its feeding, when the output attains more than 250 megawatts. He also mentioned that, the nuclear power plant has the capacity to generate nearly 900 megawatts of power during the spring season. The nuclear power plant built by the Russia can produce more than 910 megawatts of power, when it is operated at fullest capacity. This nuclear power plant is developed mainly for the increasing the amount the energy produced, but it few sources suspect that, this plant is built for producing atomic bombs. The government of Iran clearly stated and showed that, the country is using the power plant only to extract energy and they will not use it for manufacturing explosives. The west is forcing Tehran to unclose the whole nuclear installations to the international examination team and it is suggesting them to withdraw their uranium resources since uranium plays a vital part in the manufacturing of atom bombs.
The strategic investment bids are analyzed by the Lithuania for implementing its new nuclear power plant. The Lithuania mentioned that, the lion's share of the stack will be furnished to the company, which will understands and support the project. The Lithuanian Energy ministry embarked on the examination phase without announcing the bidders and simultaneously the regional partners have agreed to participate. Aim of the energy department of Lithuania is to compose a new nuclear power plant called Visagina on the offshore and to end the operations of the Ignalina plant, the Ignalina plant once furnished around 70 percent of the power consumption of the country.
According to the Environmental Impact Assessment, novel planning and decision maker established in United States declared that, around 3600 megawatts of energy can be produced with the help of a pair of large reactors and the temperature reduction can be done with the help of lakes or cooling tower or it can be done with the combination. This nuclear power plant will mainly reduce the dependence on Russia for their energy needs and this power plant was earlier supported by the Estonia and Lativa and it was anticipated to get equal shares with Lithuania. Poland was also very much interested to be a part of this large venture and the Lithuanian Electricity Organization was established to control the versatile interest but it was not successful. The Visaginas Atomic Energy was formed finally and it is successful in this project.
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