Is the Algerian Nuclear Weapon Threat Real?

Expert Author Lance Winslow

Apparently, Algeria wants to put itself on the map, but also wants to strengthen its resources and military, in case of a conflict with its neighbor Libya. We all hope that no war ever breaks out between the two countries, because it would be a humanitarian disaster like we've never seen in a century. Nevertheless, Algeria might end up being a nuclear threat to the free world.

Like Libya, Algeria has been able to buy just about anything it needs, including bio weapons, nuclear weapons, and late model military hardware. Whereas, every nation has the right to defend itself, anyone that studies nuclear proliferation, can see the huge problem we have here. While the rest of the world is looking at Iran, Syria, and North Korea and their nuclear weapons programs, no one seems to be looking at Algeria.

But many nations are busy selling them weapons, including China. And the Russians are selling them aircraft and anti-aircraft missile systems including SA Five and later anti-aircraft batteries, you should see the most recent deals. These anti-aircraft batteries are being placed around an Algeria so-called future nuclear power plant.

Interestingly enough, this so-called nuclear power plant has no transmission lines or power lines running up to it, or anywhere else nearby. That doesn't really look like a newer nuclear power plant, it looks like a nuclear weapons manufacturing facility, for enriching uranium, and building weapons system using Chinese rockets as delivery vehicles once completed, defended by Russian military hardware.

Anyone at the IAEA, NATO, in United States military intelligence, in the NSA, in the CIA, or anyone in any intelligence agency of European Union that doesn't see this as a threat, clearly is not looking, or purposely choosing to look away.

In that case I ask one question;


Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes in good intelligence at ALL times