Japan's Nuclear Debacle and The Cover-Up


News on Sunday from Japan proves a cover-up of the horrific nuclear disaster. The smoking gun was the report on Fukushima reactors 5 and 6 being secured. These reactors were never an issue.
It is reported as good news that Reactors 5 and 6 went into cold shutdown on Sunday. Those that missed all of last weeks news may see this as progress. However, reactors 1 through 4 are the ones still spewing radiation - 5 and 6 were never a problem.
The Japan Times reported Sunday that reactor 3 was undergoing a risky venting due to another increase of pressure. Going on to explain, "Tokyo Electric Power Co. had considered releasing the contaminated steam directly into the environment, not through a "suppression pool" as it did earlier in the crisis."
So how is releasing more radiation directly into the environment improvement? Saturday's reports were not any better with tap water, spinach, and milk radiated beyond safe levels. These "safe levels" were increased during the crisis by the Japanese Government.
Friday's news was the worst yet for hopes of containment. The water used to bury the exposed fuel rods in reactor 3 was dangerously low - leaving the rods exposed to the air. If these rods are exposed for too long they can burn and start a nuclear chain reaction. In essence, such burning rods would become uncontrollable mini-reactors freely releasing lethal amounts of radiation.
Thursdays report explained that the crisis rating was raised to a Grade 5 out of 7. The partial meltdown of Three Mile Island in 1979 also ranked as a 5. According to Russia Today, "Grade 5 means that wider consequences are expected and the accident is no longer regarded as a localized problem."
Meanwhile the mainstream press is reporting everything as a "local" problem. Reports include statements like this one from Reuters, "A sample of tap water from Tokyo shows a tiny level of radioactive. " Including the vague terms, "exceeded safety standards" and "pose no immediate risk to human health" as released from the Japanese Health Ministry.
There are no clear cut numbers on the actual radiation level in Japan or the U.S. It is important to note that Sunday's media coverage of the nuclear disasters is very low. Most news outfits are reporting on non-nuclear subjects surrounding the disaster in Japan. Meanwhile, radiation is still entering the U.S. west coast and covering Japan (who is still being hit by earthquakes) while the media is silent.
We may never know the extent of the ongoing disaster as a nuclear meltdown is not something that can be covered live. All anyone can do is go on the history of similar events like Chernobyl where four hundred times more radioactive material was released than had been by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
In 1989, three-years after the Chernobyl explosion, Time Magazine reported, "Soviet politicians and scientists now claim that a cover-up is still going on. They charge that 1) the accident released at least 20 times more radiation than the government has admitted, 2) Communist officials failed to evacuate nearby towns and cities right away, although they knew of the danger, and 3) the Soviet nuclear establishment had known that the Chernobyl design was unsafe. ''I believe we must launch an investigation and learn who was responsible,'' says Alexei Yablokov, deputy chairman of the Committee on Ecology and the Rational Use of Natural Resources in the Congress of People's Deputies, the new Soviet legislature."
This sounds exactly like what is happening now in Japan.
Todd Moses is the owner of Papair LLC and regular contributor to http://newspapair.com