Interestingly enough, in the last presidential election people were told to vote for hope and change. Yes, those are some nice slogans, and both of them are typical election strategies. And what the heck, put them both together, deliver the message via a Teleprompter, and then spend $750 million, and you too can get elected, or your dog if you wish. That is to say with $750 million you can probably could get a poodle elected president of the United States, and I doubt if you'd need pedigree papers.
Still, hope and change will not stop nuclear reactors from melting down, and hope and change will not bring forth America's alternative energy future. It takes more than change and hope, and a lasso or a rope, or even praying with the Pope to solve all the challenges of a nation. How easily the electorate, and the mass mobs of humans are led astray, and it is amazing what humans can be led to believe, or what leaders are willing to do to deceive.
You see, as one popular author put it; "Hope Is Not a Strategy" - in fact, I would submit to you that hope comes after you put in the controls, not before.
Let me give you a for instance, let's say you are flying a light aircraft and it stalls out and goes into a spin. At that point merely having hope is not going to solve your problem. First you must get the ball in the center, and pull up on the elevator. You have to put in the controls first, and then you can start hoping everything will come out fine. A true leader takes charge because that's what it takes.
Hoping for change, will not necessarily change anything at all, other than your attitude - and while attitude is integral part of getting anything done, you can't stop there, and it's not even the first step in the process. You see my point?
When the Fukushima nuclear power plant melted down after the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami in Japan, hoping that the situation would change was not a viable solution to the problem. The challenge required immediate action, and decision-making, it required leadership, and not talk. Indeed, I'm not sure that I need to remind anyone of this, but hope is a four letter word after all.
Maybe that's the first thing we should change, why not take off the "e" in hope, because that spells "hop" which is an action word, and action is required if you hope to change anything at all. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.