Signs of the Arrival of the New World Order, 2011 Edition


In case you had any lingering doubts that the global super-elite class of bankers, politicians, industrial titans, and royalty were, in fact, plotting and executing a New World Order, 2011 and the odd goings-on around the world ought to set you straight.
This is no longer a movement being carried out in shady backroom deals and secretive underground meetings. The power elite are thumbing their noses at us in broad daylight, and counting on us to stare, oblivious, right past them. Unable to see, like the Aztecs when the Spanish sea vessels arrived.
And naturally, they are being aided in this with the cooperation of the mainstream media.
Here then are what would be 2011's most glaring stories of N.W.O. emergence...if only they were being reported...
1. The Anti-IMF Riots in Europe. By all rights, this should be the biggest story of the summer of 2011. European citizens, frustrated by living under the yoke of austerity imposed by the IMF, the European Central Bank, and other giant international banks, have taken to the streets by the millions. They are screaming to bring down the IMF, and to hold the banks and politicians accountable for the backroom deals they made. Why, they ask, are the citizens being enslaved to pay off the debts they never wanted? How could it be that their own leaders pledged their very own citizens' lives and labor to pay off these giant promissory notes? Why is it that the leaders themselves aren't being held accountable? And what is it that allows such a fundamentally corrupt system to exist in the first place, while pretending to be humanitarian in nature?
Yet, despite the enormity of this social movement, you hear nary a word of it in the U.S. media. The West -- and in particular, the U.S. -- simply can't be allowed to see that protest is a viable option. They can't be made aware in large numbers that the system that had saddled them with the world's largest institutional debts is farcical and corrupt. Because the banks are going to come calling on the U.S. very soon. And when they do, they need to be assured of as much unthinking compliance as possible, or the collectibility of their loans could be in jeopardy. This isn't something the global elite can tolerate if they intend to remain the global elite. Thus, the EU riots remain off the American television viewer's radar screen.
2. The Ongoing Saga of the Fukushima Nuclear Reactors. Another classic example of the media controlling the population by controlling the media...and thus the message. If you were to watch only American media, you'd be tempted to say that the nuclear meltdown in Japan was a story from months ago...and was now safely over, with life back to normal.
You'd be wrong.
The nuclear meltdown has become a nuclear melt-through. Meaning unprecedented levels of radiation have now been released into the environment, and there is no letting up in sight. Even the most conservative nuclear watchdog groups have had to concede that the scope and scale of this disaster have now escalated far beyond even what occurred in Chernobyl. Yet the media remains strangely quiet.
Statistics are emerging now of a drastic spike in infant mortality rates all the way across the Pacific, on the American west coast. By some estimates, still births have risen over 35% in the months since the 3/11 earthquake. And logic would seem to dictate the bad news is just getting started. How much worse must things be in Japan? How much worse are they likely to become down the road, as children conceived during and after the emergency reach full term? And yet nary a word is spoken by the media.
Now, those paying close attention are hearing that a near-catastrophe hit the Fort Calhoun nuclear power plant in Nebraska in mid June, 2011. The reaction by the press? Complete media blackout.
Times, they're-a-gettin' strange.
3. The U.S. Is Secretly Going to War...Well, Everywhere. First, we were bombarded with non-stop coverage of the royal wedding between Will and Kate...for months. Between that "news" and occasional forays into the "Arab Spring" movement sweeping across Egypt and Tunisia, Americans were led to believe that everything was peaceful with the world.
When those stories had run their course, it began to be reported -- almost as an afterthought -- that, "By the way, we've been at war in Libya for the last couple weeks. Midnight bombing runs, full NATO involvement, that sort of thing."
What? This is news that was forced to take a back seat to designer wedding dresses and all the latest gossip about Pippa?
Then, we were forced to sit through a month of excruciatingly awkward storied about Congressman Weiner and his Twitter misadventures, which featured daily broadcasts of blurred photos of the outline of a man's penis visible through his briefs. Let me restate, for impact: this story went on for a month.
Lost in the fascination with congressional Weiners, however, was the fact that we were also now in something that pretty seriously resembled war in Yemen.
Oh, and in Pakistan.
In point of fact, there is now almost no country where either oil flows or people adhere to the Muslim faith that the U.S. military does not engage in drone aircraft bombing raids.
We were promised by the Neocons when the United States was still run by Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, that we faced "endless war" in the Middle East. It seems we are working tirelessly to make that dream a reality. Unfortunately, we are only being told about it after the fact, by a media too committed to trivia to take the business of reporting a world at war very seriously.
So there you have it. Three stories...any one of which would probably be the most significant story of the year, any other year. Any one of which stands to irrevocably shake the status quo of civilization everywhere. Yet all being downplayed, avoided, or outright ignored by the mainstream media.
The riots in Greece 2011? Ignored.
The radioactive hellstorm pouring out of Fukushima? Ignored.
The ongoing pursuit by the U.S. military to achieve the dream of bombing every single person in the entire Middle East simultaneously? Ignored.
Is there a secret agenda at play here? You be the judge.
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